Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Glorious Beyond Words

Assalamualaikum and salut eartlings ! 

Hey ... dah lama jugak kan saya biarkan blog ni berhabuk ~~ so guess , i'm reviving it up again . It's 2nd April 2014 . Lewat sangat nak update kan ? Hahaha. Yes sebab i went to plkn and just came back a few weeks ago . Heee , it was really really fun , okay back to the topic :)

Apa khabar korang sekarang ? How's life ? mesti ada setengah orang sekarang duduk - duduk kt rumah tunggu upu result , mungkin setengah lagi kerja . Well , i'm working tapi kt rumah ._____. as a tuition teacher . Hahaha, shhhhh.. hehe. Oh yes, Syukur  Alhamdullilah my SPM result was a suprise to me :') Dah tunai janji saya kt mama and now i'm aiming for the big shot.

''Ya Allah , kau permudahkanlah segala urusanku serta urusan rakan - rakanku ", Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin "
 Are you guys sure which path you're taking ?
Which road that we'll lead to the dreams you've been dying to achieve ?
the most important ... are you ready to venture to the real world alone ?

For me , inilah waktu Allah nak uji kita ... sebab masa inilah '"nafsu" kita meronta - ronta dalam diri kita. Semua benda kita nak cuba , maklumlah remaja kan katanya ..... Inilah masanya kita tentukan siapa sebenarnya diri kita...... sebab kali ni , it's all up to ourselves ..... keputusan di tangan kita . No boundaries and no rules that you're bound up to , It's your call to do what you want........ Anything can happen in this term of your life , the good can become the bad and also vice versa . Eventhough how careful we are in everything we do , If it is meant to happen to us , it will . We will just have to find a way to endure and accept it with an open heart. Remember , it is already stated in the Quran if He says 'كُنْ فَيَكُونُ" then it will happen.

Kawan - kawan yang disayangi sekalian , Let's get closer to the One that created us all :) , upgrade our iman , strenghten our faith and be humble in our daily lives . Follow the Quran and practise the Sunnah , Increase our ''amal'' and do our best in everything life throws at us .Be better than yesterday and be excellent tomorrow . Increase your inner potential , because there where you'll find who you truly are ....

That's all for tonight peeps ! Write again soon , Au revoir mes amie , Bonne nuit :3
J'dore you :p