Monday, 1 October 2012


Assalamualaikum dan good morning my fellow readers :)

 hehehehe , ape khabaq org kt sana ? di sini dalam keadaan yang tak berapa sihat . hee . but no worries . I'm strong :)

sorry ye da lama x update , maklumlah saya kn dah jadi budak asrama :p
macam x percaya je kan ? haha . same la kita . nadia sndiri x percaya yg dah 1 bulan nadia masuk sbp .__.
seriously ..mcm pepatah ni "your body does what your mind have to do , but not what the heart wants" korang faham tak ape maksud dia ? hee . kalau x paham , pndai2 lah fahamkn :) heheheh ^^v

so , korang nk tau mcm mana budak ni masuk asrama ? hmmm , well ...
yg nadia tahu , it happen so fast ... takde ribut , takde petir then terus zapp !  dah naik  flight ke Sabah untuk menjadi pelajar baru di sbp kt sana . Time tu pun seriously rasa otak blank .. mcm don't know what to do .. I had to leave my family , friends and him , sangat berat hati time nk board flight time tu . I cried :') hmmm . sorry awak ..time tu i can't be strong , I hate to leave you like that , You and i was both very shocked .

hmm..tapi mungkin ade hikmah sebalik semua ni ? now I'm struggling to cope with the studies , InsyAllah i can do this :) my friends are all friendly here :) They help me a lot . hee . my doormates , my classmates are all friendly . and what to my suprise is budak - budak 4 Alpha ni sama je mcm budak - budak 4 Intan  , seriously .... hehehe , tpi bila kita ade class party ..masa laili ngn Cikgu X berucap . i instantly remember you guys .. Rindu sangat my old classmates.. hmm . but what to do :')

pejam celik pejam celik ... now i"m at Johor :) Three months i"m in boarding school . I still can't believe that i am a #BudakAsrama ._____________. i don't know why ... hahahahaha  ...How i miss everyone and this place soo much ! heee , so happy that we're home :) it feels so free here ! hehehe . hmmm . I miss my sweet sweet home so muchh .

p/s : Bley x ceroboh masuk smkdpt ? heheh x) kidding ! i miss you :)